Kuvittele seuraavanlainen päivä: Heräät aamulla ja painat nappia. Automatisoitu sänkysi nostaa sinut istuma-asentoon, mistä helposti pääset istumaan sängyn reunalle. Sängyn pääty palautuu rauhallisesti takaisin alas. Sinun ei tarvitse odottaa hoitajia auttamaan, niin kuin yleensä vanhainkodissa.

kulttuurikohteisiin. Usein käydään myös purjestimassa vuonoa pitkin, johon vanhainkodista on upeat maisemat. Vanhainkodissa järjestetään myös kaikenlaista viriketoimintaa; käsityökursseja, tansseja, musiikkia. Tanskan kuningatar on myös käynyt vierailulla.
Kaksi muuta meidän kurssin ryhmää vierailivat vanhusten kuntoilutalolla sekä harrastetalolla. Molemmissa oli ikäraja 60 vuotta ja ne olivat avoinna vain päiväsaikaan. Ohjelmat olivat ilmaisia ja liikuntatunnit vapaaehtoistyöllä hoidettuja. Harrastetalolla pääsee päivittäin askartelemaan, neulomaan, maalailemaan, laulamaan ym. muiden mummojen ja pappojen kanssa. Miksei meillä Suomessa ole näin paljon mahdollisuuksia vanhuksille?
Turun sanomien(TS30.10.2011) mukaan vuonna 2020 Suomessa tulee olemaan 360 000 vanhusta enemmän kuin vuonna 2011. Mielestäni Suomi saisi ottaa mallia Tanskasta ja harpata askeleen eteenpäin, ennen kuin on liian myöhäistä.
Tulevaisuuden vanhainkoti

Imagine the following day: You wake up, and the Ancient of days in a nursing home and press a button. Your intelligent bed is set up so that you carefully set up, turned around and almost falling down under its own power. You need not wait for two carers as the old nursing home. On the TV screen, tap your breakfast order in if you do not just want the same as yesterday, and then you go to the bathroom. Should you fall on the road, detect sensors in the floor, and help is on the way. When you unharmed told, visits to the toilet easily done. The toilet both washes and dries up by itself, and then raise it up so that you can more easily come by. After breakfast you will have free rein on the thematic nursing home: classical music, wellness, culinary art. Just remember that you also have some duties, depending on what your skills are.
Imagine the following day: You wake up, and the Ancient of days in a nursing home and press a button. Your intelligent bed is set up so that you carefully set up, turned around and almost falling down under its own power. You need not wait for two carers as the old nursing home. On the TV screen, tap your breakfast order in if you do not just want the same as yesterday, and then you go to the bathroom. Should you fall on the road, detect sensors in the floor, and help is on the way. When you unharmed told, visits to the toilet easily done. The toilet both washes and dries up by itself, and then raise it up so that you can more easily come by. After breakfast you will have free rein on the thematic nursing home: classical music, wellness, culinary art. Just remember that you also have some duties, depending on what your skills are.
Imagine the following day: You wake up, and the Ancient of days in a nursing home and press a button. Your intelligent bed is set up so that you carefully set up, turned around and almost falling down under its own power. You need not wait for two carers as the old nursing home. On the TV screen, tap your breakfast order in if you do not just want the same as yesterday, and then you go to the bathroom. Should you fall on the road, detect sensors in the floor, and help is on the way. When you unharmed told, visits to the toilet easily done. The toilet both washes and dries up by itself, and then raise it up so that you can more easily come by. After breakfast you will have free rein on the thematic nursing home: classical music, wellness, culinary art. Just remember that you also have some duties, depending on what your skills are.
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